A focus on PACE GPS System

It is incumbent on all golf clubs to attract and anchor for...
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The unrivalled golf GPS system.

PACE Fleet Management System UK
GolfLogix App

It is incumbent on all golf clubs to attract and anchor for future memberships by supplying a memorable and repeatable golfer experience and to elevate your club above neighbouring competition or when the choice is a premium.

A proven and increasingly popular way to add tangible value to your course is to equip your buggy fleet with the latest technology in the pixel-perfect form of the impressively packaged PACE GPS and Fleet Management System from Textron.

PACE, (formerly TFM) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in golfer interaction and ultimately enhancing and elevating enjoyment from a traditional walking round of golf. Course information, yardages, pin position, weather warnings and even a Spotify link for playing those all-important motivational tunes whilst lining up that tricky putt are available. As an option…

A bright, hi-resolution colour screen, a little larger than an iPad mounted in the upper windscreen greets the golfer and presents Clubs with the ability to promote, events, lessons, memberships and even course or individual hole sponsorship opportunities.

Out of the box, PACE will provide valuable information to the golfer and instantly provides a richer and more involved golfing experience with its intuitive interface but its party piece is the Fleet Management functionality PACE delivers to your Pro-Shop or course Manager. All buggy activity can be overseen in real-time from a web-based app which, in turn, offers a wealth of options to ensure that your buggy fleet rentals are maximised and generating regular income whilst at the same time, managing buggy rotation. Golfers can be contacted on the course individually or in groups to aid with the pace of play, weather warnings or even assistance if required. The symbiotic nature of the PACE system combined with the powerful lithium battery packs is a much-needed upgrade in assisting course managers with real-time state-of-charge percentages. The web-based app has details of both the vehicle charge along with the screen health at your fingertips. The state of charge is crucial information to help maximise rentals of vehicles and achieve more rounds per charge cycle.

Golf Car UK Sales Director, Matt Patton has seen exponential growth in the uptake of PACE throughout the 2022 season.

“Clubs are always looking to extend their offer and PACE is a perfect addition to any club with aspirations of growth and developing a strong and loyal membership.”

Patton continues, “We have more installations this season than at any other time and it’s not just the larger more established courses, municipal courses are experiencing the benefits that PACE brings to golfers often in conjunction with the superb Top Tracer driving ranges.”

“Technology has come to golf and ultimately the user experience has greatly improved and it shows no sign of stopping. These technologies are often the difference when casual golfers are choosing where to play.”

“All I can say is, don’t miss out!”

To make sure that clubs achieve maximum use of the PACE system, Golf Car UK has strengthened support for clubs by employing a full-time Team always at the end of a phone or email to guide clubs through any issues or queries that may arise. The Head of PACE at GCUK is Colin Stratford.

“This season has been our busiest yet in terms of new installations. We work very closely with the fantastic people at TEXTRON to quickly solve any issues that may occur, but the true satisfaction comes in witnessing clubs grow their business using EZGO buggies and PACE, they genuinely are a fantastic combination, providing value and ROI to both golfers and golf club managers.”

Stratford continues, “ We attend site as required and weekly monitoring of activity from our control centre means that we can react quickly to any changes the club requires. Our Account Managers are also on hand if needed for an extra level of support from our network.”

“Golf is meant to be fun and enjoyable but we recognise the need to deliver a consistent and high-quality product that will develop clubs further as new technologies become available.”

“If clubs are considering upgrading vehicles and are intrigued by the benefits of PACE consider arranging an on-site demonstration and for best results, let a customer drive the buggy! Game changer!”


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