A focus on PACE GPS System

PACE Technology

It is incumbent on all golf clubs to attract and anchor for future memberships by supplying a memorable and repeatable golfer experience and to elevate your club

Golf Car UK launches Pace / TFM training

PACE Fleet Management System UK

Book your demo Tel: 0345 8055 494 Helping to make the most of your GPS System. We want to introduce you to our dedicated, in-house PACE / TFM Support from Golf Car UK Ltd. We have been supplying the high-quality E-Z-GO range of golf buggies throughout the UK for over 12 years along with the fantastic PACE / TFM GPS System to enable clubs to fully enhance your golfer experience whilst at the same time, helping to increase buggy rental revenues and build golfer loyalty. We look after over half of the entire PACE / TFM installations in the UK and we now want to roll out our support to all clubs who have taken advantage of the GPS screens and who, perhaps feel like they should get a bit more from the system. Did you know? You can use five fully customisable welcome screens when your golfer first gets behind the wheel of your buggy. Perfect for advertising opportunities or information about your course. Getting started is easy. It’s a three-step process. We will review your current setup remotely through your TEKGPS website or in person on-site. Make a list of the changes you require or the screen information you want to add. Implement your changes and monitor your feedback. We can help you with re-training. We understand that people move around in the golf industry and it can sometimes mean that new people may not have been trained to use your GPS system. Arrange your PACE / TFM training with us easily:  Attending our training days at our Conference Suite in Andover Online using ZOOM or TEAMs video Conferencing On-site face to face with your Team. You can request as much training as you need whenever you need it. Outsource your PACE / TFM GPS System to us to day and make your life a lot easier! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More posts >>